Pony Parties
Therapy Horse Visits
Serving Bradenton, Florida and Surrounding Areas
Pony Rides, Petting Ponies & Cart Rides
We have a variety of different pricing options for pony rides or cart rides. We typically dress the ponies in bright pink for girl parties and blue and red for boy parties but if you prefer a different color theme, just let us know as we have all color themes available! We can also dress the pony up as a unicorn, pegasus, cowboy, cowgirl, rainbow dash, fairy, you name the theme & we can dress the pony to match!
Pony Rides (weight limit 60 pounds)
There is a trip fee depending on where you are located from zip 34211
Our riding pony is semi retired so therefore we are only offering 20 minute pony ride packages for small groups. Below are our revised packages.

Package A: $275.00 - Includes 20 minutes of pony rides for up to 10 kids & the pony decorating (the kids get to decorate the pony with ribbons, stickers, glitter and hawaiian leis all which we provide.) The pony decorating is done after the pony rides.
Package B: $295.00 - Includes 20 minutes of pony rides for up to 10 kids & we also bring a second tiny 22" pony for picture taking, petting and brushing.
Package C: $325.00 - Includes 20 minutes of pony rides for up to 10 kids, the pony decorating and a second tiny 22" pony for picture taking, petting and brushing.
Package D: $350.00 - 1 hour of cart rides or $395.00 for 1 hour of Cinderella Cart
***100 pound weight limit for the cart rides***
Therapy Horse Package- $195.00 - Includes a 30 minute visit from TWO Tiny 24" Certified Therapy Mini Horses that the kids can brush and decorate and have their picture taken with.
To RESERVE a requested date and time, you must send FULL Payment. Pony Rides are done in Rain or Shine. No Refunds for Cancellations. If you have to cancel for any reason you may apply your payment to a different date and time that is available. We accept CASH, CHECKS & PAYPAL (with the 3% paypal fee added). Sorry we do not accept credit cards. There is a trip fee if you are located over 30 miles from 34211.
Email: 370pony@gmail.com or Call: 941-548-6464 to book a pony today!